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Although there are significant risks to women with diabetes throughout their pregnancy, doctors and diabetes specialists maintain that as long as women control their diabetes properly before and during pregnancy, there is no reason why they cannot give birth to a healthy baby. Different types of diabetes can affect pregnant women in different ways, so let?s take a look.
Type 1 diabetes is caused when the body doesn?t produce any insulin. Because of the severity of this type, most women who have type 1 diabetes are diagnosed before they find out they are pregnant. Type 1 diabetes can be treated prior to and during pregnancy by making sure their body is getting the insulin it needs.
Type 2 diabetes is more common amongst certain demographics, including those over 40, those who are overweight and black and Asian men and women. Women with diabetes who become pregnant often find that their medication needs to be adjusted to meet the growing demands for insulin in the body. The health team looking after the mother throughout the pregnancy will be able to instruct her how to stay healthy, which can include taking an insulin pill or injection to lower blood glucose levels.
Gestational diabetes is the type that is caused by pregnancy, developing when the body cannot meet the additional insulin demands of both the mother and child. If untreated, gestational diabetes can lead to a range of health risks for both mother and child including a heightened chance of miscarriage and birth defects. Although gestational diabetes disappears after birth, mothers have more chance of developing type 2 diabetes later on in life.
Whether the mother has pre-existing or pregnancy-induced diabetes, if blood glucose levels are kept at the ideal 6.1%, doctors agree that women with type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes can all go on to have healthy pregnancies.
Find out more about diabetes management.
Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/02/23/diabetes-and-pregnancy/
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?So here, in a word, a most sober, solemn, even a sombre word, is what I know: yum. Ecstasy is delicious. Or, put it another way, Ecstasy is delicious and I recommend highly, loudly and long that everyone whose health does not contraindicate or preclude its ingestion, ought to ingest it. Go out, I admonish you, all of you, hit the streets or collar that neighbourhood kid, drum up a contact, do a deal, repair thyselves home, soften the lights, put on some music - the best stuff - pour yourself a pitcher of ice water, perhaps two, keep a tin of Altoids handy, as well as a tube of Vicks inhalant and a couple of packs of mineral ice, make yourself comfortable, lie back and... swallow. An hour from now, perhaps less, you are going to experience something that shall forever change such time as remains to you on this earth. You are going to experience something that is, every second of it, delicious?deliciously, positively, unprecedentedly w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l.?
Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=06e7c335926e8434767e31ec3e25f89a
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Just because you are a plus size woman does not mean you cannot wear fashionable clothes and enjoy the summer. There are many clothes in the market now that are made for women on the larger side. These items look so good and stylish that they would look sexy and alluring when you wear them. Plus size fashion is fast becoming a hit since clothing companies realized that there are plenty of big women who want to look gorgeous and say goodbye to shapeless plus size apparel. This summer, greet the day and awe the people you meet with your summer wardrobe.
Wear Capris Pants
Cropped pants, otherwise known as capris, are longer than shorts and shorter than pants and end in between your knee and ankle. When you wear them, they perfectly fit your legs and yet they are loosely fit when it reaches your calf thus accentuating it more. Because its summer, choose cotton-made capris and pair them with a blouse or tank top made of light fabric. If you choose dark-colored capris, your top must have a lighter shade. Make sure your top does not have long sleeves or is not a sweater because these do not look fashionable when paired with capris.
Stylish Ponchos
Ponchos have made a comeback nowadays after being a fashion hit four decades ago. It is great for summer especially when you are wearing a sleeveless dress, tank top or a bathing suit. Ponchos can also nail that fun yet formal look. Choose ponchos that are crocheted, or made of light fabric such as cotton and preferably, ones in pastel colors. Ponchos are great during daytime and even in the evening when they can be elegantly worn over a dark dress without sleeves.
Casual Chic Styles
Plus size fashion for the summer can also include a short-sleeved cotton sweater paired with slacks. You can go to work with it and manage to create a look that says you are ready for summer fun even when you are working hard in the office. You can don a sleeveless blouse and wear a sweater with short sleeves over it. Go for the usual summer colors ? light shades and pastels. You can add an accessory to the outfit such as a scarf or a pair of dangling earrings.
The Essential Swimsuit
Summer will never be complete without going to the beach and wearing a plus size swimsuit. Nowadays, there are stylish and beautifully designed plus size bathing suits that hide problem areas in the body. Choose a one piece bathing suit that has smaller prints or designs. Go for darker shades so to achieve the illusion of a more slender frame. Just because you are on the heavier side does not mean you cannot buy swimwear that would make you look good.
Remember that as a full-figured woman you can still wear stylish and fun plus size clothing in the warm summer months ? choose clothes that will make you look confident and feel beautiful! Confidence is always key, so make sure to add that to all of your outfits to look and feel gorgeous.
What if you just cannot find the right plus size swimsuit?
I know how it feels! Sometime you simply cannot find what you?re looking for no matter how hard you try, and how deep your search. Looking for a plus size swimsuit especially can be a little daunting and difficult.
Lucky for you, over the past few years I have located a number of great online stores that specialize only in Plus Size Swimwear. This exclusive plus size shopping guide will point you to places where you can find lovely, figure flattering plus size swimsuits, to satify a variety of budgets too!
Find out other places to shop online at http://www.pasazz.net/, the ultimate plus size clothing portal.
Source: http://www.womenfavor.com/women-interests/4-summer-plus-size-fashion-essentials.html
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A research group in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta is hoping its latest discovery could one day be used to develop new therapies that target certain types of cancers.
The discovery by Mark Glover, his graduate student Zahra Havali-Shahriari and post-doctoral fellow Nicolas Coquelle has shed light on what happens in cells when DNA is damaged. They solved the structure of a DNA repair enzyme called polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase, or PNKP. This allows them to see what is happening when this enzyme is repairing DNA.
Their findings have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a high-impact scientific journal.
In normal cells damaged DNA can lead to the breakdown of chromosomes and, ultimately, cancers. On the other hand, damaging DNA in cancer cells is a useful way to kill them. A long-term goal of this research is to find ways to specifically block PNKP from doing its repair work in cancer cells as a possible new cancer therapy.
"We can finally visualize it bound to the damaged ends of DNA," said Glover, a professor in the Department of Biochemistry. "We've trapped the enzyme bound to the damaged DNA before it actually repairs the damage. One of the surprising things that comes out of this study is that we also see that the enzyme has to unwind the DNA double helix."
Work over the last 10 years, pioneered in large part in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, revealed that the enzyme PNKP plays a critical role in the repair of broken DNA ends produced by radiation and other agents. Until now, though, no one knew how it finds and repairs the damage.
"It breaks base pairs [of DNA] apart, peels off the broken end and then PNKP inserts that broken end into the enzyme," explains Glover. "It then performs a chemical reaction on the damaged DNA end, reversing the damage and releasing it so that the broken DNA strand can be welded together with the rest of the double helix. We now understand more about how this thing works; an enzyme that is protecting us from getting cancers."
However, the same enzyme also protects cancer cells. "We find a lot of tumours become resistant to these therapies [radiation and chemotherapy]," said Glover. "The holy grail of cancer therapy is to find drugs that we could give to people that would sensitize their tumours to these therapies.
"One way you could sensitize tumours is to target what they're using to repair damaged DNA. One of the ideas is that we could specifically inhibit this PNKP enzyme."
Sensitizing the tumours to therapies could also lower side effects, adds Glover.
The lab is already starting to test some compounds that could act as inhibitors for PNKP in tumours and they've seen some positive early results.
Because radiation is proven effective in some but not all cancers, new treatment avenues are necessary. Glover is playing a vital role in moving potential new treatment forward.
"It requires a lot of basic research to find out what's going on in all these different cancers," he said.
University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry: http://www.med.ualberta.ca
Thanks to University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry for this article.
This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.
This press release has been viewed 68 time(s).
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Zoologger is our weekly column highlighting extraordinary animals ? and occasionally other organisms ? from around the world
Species: Equus burchelli, E. grevyi, E. zebra
Habitat: Open grassland areas and woodlands
Zebras are quite the communists. They graze together, groom each other and stay in packs to protect themselves from predators. And while some herds reportedly contain harems, a recent study observed peaceful and equal interactions amongst the sexes.
But it's not their egalitarian habits that define them, it's their distinctive black and white stripes, which for centuries have puzzled biologists. Now Adam Egri at E?tv?s University in Budapest, Hungary, and colleagues have an answer: they believe zebras evolved stripes to protect themselves from blood-sucking insects.
The zebra is completely black as an early embryo, and white stripes only appear in a later embryonic stage, when the production of dark pigmentation is blocked. Each zebra has subtly different stripes, acting like nature's own barcode.
Charles Darwin wondered what purpose they served. A popular theory, both in the 19th century and today, is that zebras evolved striped coats as camouflage in tall grass. But, as Darwin noted, the "stripes cannot afford any protection in the open plains of South Africa".
More recently, biologists have observed that zebras don't attempt to conceal themselves by freezing in response to predators. Zoologist Desmond Morris wrote in his Animal watching: A field guide to animal behaviour that "compared to many hoofed animals on the plains of Africa, they are remarkably mobile and noisy and never attempt to hide in cover".
Darwin suggested that zebras developed their unique stripes to recognise each other, which could be particularly important for male and female courtship. "A female zebra would not admit the addresses of a male ass until he was painted so as to resemble a zebra," Darwin wrote.
Martin How at the University of Queensland, Australia, agrees that the stripes have an obvious social function. "But it's possible they appeared for another reason and the social benefits came later."
How says he has unpublished evidence suggesting that the stripes evolved to confuse predators, giving zebras crucial time to escape. He analysed videos of zebras with a motion detection program that mimics how movement is encoded in the animal brain. Their stripe pattern generated a range of optical illusions which would baffle a predator, he says. This effect was particularly strong when the animals moved together as a herd.
Another suggestion is that the stripes create a visual illusion, which makes the zebra look bigger that it is. Or perhaps the stripes assist with thermoregulation. But there is little evidence to support these claims, so the evolutionary explanation for the zebras' stripes has remained murky.
Egri's team picked up on a theory first proposed in 1930 and backed up in 1981, when it was demonstrated that biting tsetse flies were least attracted to striped animal models, when compared to black or white models.
Now Egri has taken the research one step further, by showing that horseflies (tabanids) also avoid the stripes. Biting insects transmit several equine diseases, such as equine infectious anaemia, as well as leaving painful bites.
Heading to a fly-infested farm in Budapest the team painted trays with different black and white patterns, and filled them with salad oil to trap the horseflies. Trays coated with thick horizontal stripes attracted less flies than diagonal lines, or criss-crosses. Thin black stripes mimicking those of the zebra attracted fewer flies than thick lines.
"The stripes are messing with their heads," says Justin Marshall, a sensory neurobiologist, also at the University of Queensland. "It confuses them and provides an unattractive surface to land on."
According to experiments carried out by Egri's team, the stripes could also disrupt polarised light, making zebras less appealing to the pests. Horseflies are attracted to horizontally polarised light because they detect water through horizontal polarisation. At the watering hole, flies drink, mate and lay eggs.
Mike Archer, an evolutionary biologist at the University of New South Wales, Australia, calls this "a delightfully innovative explanation for something that's long puzzled mammalogists."
"Having been bitten myself many times by tabanids, which really hurt, this new explanation makes a great deal of sense to me," he says.
Journal Reference: The Journal of Experimental Biology, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.065540
Read previous Zoologger columns: The only males with more brain than females , How a blurry-eyed spider pounces on target, Gecko's amputated tail has life of its own, Unique life form is half plant, half animal, Transgender fish perform reverse sex flip, My brain's so big it spills into my legs, Dozy hamsters reverse the ageing process, To kill a mockingbird? No, parasitise it, Chill out with the world's coldest insect, 'Werewolf birds' hook up by the full moon, Cannibal shrimp shows its romantic side, The only cross-dressing bird of prey, The biggest spider web in the world
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Razor-sharp scales on their skin seem to make it easier for sharks to race through the water, by generating whirlpools that help pull them along, researchers say.
This research eventually could lead to an artificial shark skin that enhances the swimming of underwater robots, the researchers add.
Harvard University bioroboticist George Lauder and graduate student Johannes Oeffner created a simple robot and placed real shark skin around it to study the skin's properties.
They discovered that the toothlike scales, called denticles, generated vortexes on the front edge of the skin, eddies that essentially would help suck the shark forward. "Leading-edge vortices are well-known in insect and bird flight," Lauder said.
Sharks are renowned for speedily cutting through water. Scientists have been focusing on how the sharks' denticles might boost swimming speed and agility. The sharks' rough skin was thought to behave like the dimples on a golf ball, disturbing the flow of water over the surface to reduce the drag it experiences.
However, existing research into the benefits of shark skin bothered Lauder, since much of it was based on shark skin mimics that were held rigidly in place and laid flat like a sheet of paper. "I have wanted to study the function of shark skin when it moves," he said.
Shark robot
Lauder and Oeffner procured skin from several large mako sharks at a fish market in Boston and glued them onto a rigid piece of aluminum foil. They immersed this foil in a water tank, wiggled it from side to side with a robotic apparatus to make it "swim," and flowed water against it to give it a push. By timing the water flow needed for the flapping device to essentially stay in place, they could determine how fast the robot was effectively swimming.
The researchers then carefully sanded off the denticles to see how the skin performed without them.
"Sanding the denticles off was challenging, and was one of the more difficult aspects," Lauder recalled. "It's hard to sand them off without damaging the underlying skin. Each foil took several hours to do."
Oddly, instead of slowing down, the sanded foil sped up, which at first glance might suggest these scales were impeding the sharks. Harking back to their idea that sharks are flexible and not rigid, the scientists then glued two pieces of shark skin together to create a pliable membrane. They found that flexibility had a dramatic effect: Toothy, flexible surfaces were 12.3 percent faster than sanded ones. [ Video of shark experiment ]
Next-generation robot skin
The researchers also tested the swimming performance of two shark-skin mimics. One was the Speedo Fastskin FS II fabric, whose bumpy, ridged surfaces are supposed to reduce the drag swimmers experience. The other was a silicone rubber "riblet" ? a membrane with sharp-edged ridges on it. "Riblets are being actively studied to put on wind turbine blades to reduce drag, and I believe that one of the America's Cup sailing boats in 1987 used riblets on the hull," Lauder said.
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Although the riblets improved the flexible foil's swimming speed by 7.2 percent, the Speedo fabric apparently had no effect at all, perhaps because its bumps were small, rounded and very widely spaced compared with both shark denticles and the sharp-edged riblets. (Lauder did note that figure-hugging Fastskin swimming costumes probably enhance the swimmer's performance in other ways.)
To pin down why denticles might improve shark propulsion, they analyzed how the toothlike scales altered fluid flow around the body. They immersed the flexible shark-skin membrane in a water tank filled with tiny, hollow, silver-coated particles. As they set the machine flapping, they bathed the tank with laser light, which enabled them to see how the membrane set the particles and water swirling.
They learned that shark skin not only reduces drag but enhances thrust.
"The main future direction is manufacturing an artificial shark skin," Lauder said. "The most likely first uses will be to cover underwater robots."
Oeffner and Lauder detailed their findings Thursday in the Journal of Experimental Biology.
? 2012 LiveScience.com. All rights reserved.
Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46327957/ns/technology_and_science-science/
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TELUS has just launched a new app that ties in with their Optik TV service. Canadian customers can now watch a bunch of their subscribed channels streamed wirelessly to Android or iOS tablets and smartphones. Unfortunately, the channel selection is a little limited for the time being; through the app, you'll be able to access YTV, HBO, two Disney channels, and a few others. You'll also be able to access those channels on a laptop or other web-enabled device through their online portal. On top of that, if you've got an Xbox 360 with Kinect, you can now use the game console to control everything with gestures and voice.
This is a fine companion to the existing remote recording app TELUS offers Optik TV subscribers, and it's good to see there's a wide array of device support. TELUS LTE is right around the corner, likely coming out on February 14 with the Galaxy Note, which will no doubt be a great host of streaming mobile TV. It's worth noting that while Android devices with Optik TV will be able to benefit from LTE (with the usual data charges applicable), the iPhone and iPad versions are relegated to Wi-Fi networks.
If you're a TELUS customer and want to give this a shot, head on over here for instructions, or download the tablet app at the link after the jump. There's a video demo down there, too.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/tYYN4JsgHaY/story01.htm
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MOSCOW (Reuters) ? Iran is capable of hitting U.S. military forces around the world if attacked by the United States, Russia's Interfax news agency quoted the Iranian ambassador to Moscow as saying on Wednesday.
The United States has imposed sanctions, targeting Iran's central bank and giving U.S. banks new powers to freeze Iranian government assets, which tighten international measures aimed at forcing the Islamic Republic to scrap sensitive nuclear work.
Interfax said the Iranian ambassador, Seyyed Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi, had told a news conference in Moscow that the United States would be making a mistake if it carried out a military strike on Iran, although Washington has announced no such plans.
"The Americans know very well what Iran is like and what our potential is," Sajjadi was quoted as saying. "Iran is in a very good position to deliver retaliatory strikes on America around the world ... An attack on Iran would be suicidal for them."
(Writing by Steve Gutterman, Editing by Timothy Heritage)
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Washington, Feb 6
Newly-divorced middle-aged women are more vulnerable to contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, a study reveals.
It is because they tend to let their guard down with new sexual partners and avoid using protection since they are unafraid of getting pregnant, said study author Christopher Coleman, associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.
Additionally, as ageing occurs, physiological changes due to menopause such as the thinning of vaginal walls make it more susceptible for a woman to contract a virus.
Medications that would be used to treat an STD or HIV become hard for a woman to tolerate because an ageing body metabolizes medications differently, a university statement said.
"There is a knowledge gap with women knowing what the physiological changes associated with menopause are," said Coleman.
"There is very little research on this subject and society and the government does not talk about it, but these high risk sexual behaviours need to be addressed because the rate of HIV-positive in middle-aged women is increasing," Coleman concluded.
Source: http://www.prokerala.com/news/articles/a278434.html
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Think of it as cooking with carbon spaghetti: A Kansas State University researcher is developing new ways to create and work with carbon nanotubes -- ultrasmall tubes that look like pieces of spaghetti or string.
These carbon nanotubes -- made of graphene, an atom-thick sheet of carbon -- have the perfect ingredients for improving laser detectors and rechargeable batteries, according to research by Gurpreet Singh, assistant professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering. Singh is working on several projects with carbon nanotubes and polymer-derived ceramic material.
One project involves new ways to cook or create a ceramic carbon nanotube material. The conventional way to make this type of material is to take a liquid polymer, pour it into a mold and heat it in an oven until the polymer forms a ceramic.
Singh's team tried a new approach. They are among the first to create their own modified liquid polymer with four ingredients: silicon, boron, carbon and nitrogen. But rather than heating this liquid polymer in an oven, they heated it in a conventional microwave -- the kind used in kitchens. They found that the microwave heats the nanotubes just as well as an oven.
"What we did is reduce the time to construct ceramic," Singh said. "If you use an oven or heater, you have to heat it for awhile. With the microwave, it is fast heating within a few minutes."
Their work -- co-authored with their university colleague William Kuhn, professor of electrical and computer engineering -- recently appeared in the journal Applied Materials and Interfaces, published by the American Chemical Society. Another publication involving conventional processing will appear in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
Once this ceramic carbon nanotube material is created, it has multiple applications. Singh's team is involved in a project with the Laser Radiometry Team at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST, in Boulder, Colo., which works to develop measurement methods for high-power industrial lasers for manufacturing.
Singh's team is assisting the institute in improving how laser power is measured. Currently, laser measurements involve a cone-shaped copper detector covered in carbon paint. The laser shines through the cone, is absorbed by the black paint, heats the copper cone and then heats a waterfall at the detector's back end. By measuring the rising temperature of the water, scientists can determine the energy of the laser.
The Singh team has improved this process by making the cone-shaped detector out of the ceramic carbon nanotube composite material. Because ceramic can withstand high temperatures, it protects the nanotubes, which absorb the laser light to heat the cone.
"We are checking the stability of the material," Singh said. "We are characterizing it and then sending the samples to the NIST to test."
Another project for Singh's team uses the ceramic carbon nanotube material to improve the performance of rechargeable batteries. The material addresses four ways that rechargeable batteries can be improved: having a larger storage capacity, having a longer battery life, recharging quickly and providing a lot of power in a short amount of time.
These ceramic materials can reversibly store lithium, meaning that lithium can go in and come out of it. Current rechargeable batteries use graphite to store lithium. But as the graphite wears down, a battery become less efficient and will stay charged for a shorter amount of time.
The ability to recharge quickly and provide a lot of power in a short amount of time is especially key for electric cars. Many current electric car designs take several hours to recharge and take a long time to accelerate. Scientists wanting to create a battery that can recharge in a few minutes and provide power quickly may now have a solution.
Singh's team has already seen early success with their work: Preliminary research shows that when the ceramic material is used in batteries, it doubles or triples the battery's capacity for high current. The material is also thermodynamically stabile, so it can survive longer cycles.
"It would be really nice to have one material that has high capacity, can be charged quickly and also is stable," Singh said. "With this ceramic material, it should be strong enough so that over time it does not degrade. That's the ultimate goal."
Their battery work will appear later this year in the journal Nanomaterials and Energy, published by the Institution of Civil Engineers. The researchers are currently charging and recharging the batteries for several cycles to understand how long the batteries made from the materials can last.
A final project from Singh's team involves the use of "nano-fingers," which are sharp tungsten needles that can probe and pick up carbon nanotubes. The researchers use these nano-fingers under an electron microscope to perform studies with individual carbon nanotubes and ceramic nanowires.
Singh's research has been supported with $57,000 from the EPSCoR program with the National Science Foundation. His research team consists of two graduate students -- Romil Bhandavat and Lamuel David, both doctoral students in mechanical engineering, India,-- and one undergraduate student, Uriel Barrera, a sophomore in mechanical engineering, Olathe.
Kansas State University: http://www.k-state.edu
Thanks to Kansas State University for this article.
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This press release has been viewed 21 time(s).
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A type of wood floor in northern Virginia.?This refers to a series of pieces of flooring that create a certain design or pattern of.?To add to the character of the family room or formal dining room, hardwood species make a statement.?Other common species of hardwood boards in Northern Virginia.?If you have a modern house and you are looking for a clean line right, it would be the perfect choice.?Even if you live in a small apartment and try to create the illusion of more space ? a long wooden plank floors and wide to make the room appear larger.?A third type is a wooden plank.?This is similar to a board, but a narrow band and changed to create an attractive design.
Wood floors in Alexandria, VA come in many colors and stains.?If you try to brighten the room, you can choose a light oak color for your floor.?If you try to make a dramatic statement, consider a dark walnut or cherry.?The color of your floor can play a large part of the overall construction.?If you have a large room, you must make a choice of colors work well with other elements in the room.?By choosing the best colors for your floor, you need to think about the color of the wood and others in your home.?You do not want to create too much contrast, but the details of the design on the floor.?Northern Virginia is a beautiful part of the country and show your home with new wood gives a feeling of satisfaction.
There are different types of ready-made as soon as you select your flooring installed in northern Virginia.?Played the most common are oil based and dries in about 8 hours.?Many homeowners prefer this type of surface, because it is easy to implement and a wear resistant surface on the floor in Alexandria, VA.?If you?re in a hurry and need to stop fast-drying, you can look the same with basic water-based stain mixed with resin.?To create this type of flooring is less resistant to moisture and odors, but they are also more expensive.?People who want to leave at least one mark on the current environment, may go with a natural finish with Tung or linseed oil.
No matter what type of flooring you install in your home, you will be delighted with the new look beautiful and healthy atmosphere.?You do not need to dust and the strengthening of care of hair on the carpet, you land on Northern Virginia that you can be proud of your family and are free of allergies.
Source: http://www.greatlakesreader.com/wood-floor-in-the-northern-virginia-style/
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Preliminary results of an entrance poll shows Nevadans participating in today's caucuses were focused on the economy and which candidate could best defeat Obama. The deeply conservative electorate included the largest share of tea party backers and the highest number of Mormons of any state to cast ballots thus far in the nomination contest.
ON THE ISSUES: A narrow majority of voters called the economy their top issue, with the federal budget deficit a distant second. Though some demographic groups were more apt to focus on the federal government's monetary woes. Self-identified independents were about equally likely to call the deficit their top issue as the economy, while Republicans were more heavily tilted toward the economy. Very conservative voters and strong backers of the tea party were also a bit more apt than others to say the deficit mattered to them.
Beyond those ideological and partisan divides, there's an age gap in concern about the economy. Among those under age 30, nearly two-thirds called the economy their top issue, compared with not quite half of senior citizens.
CANDIDATE QUALITIES: The ability to defeat Barack Obama in the fall was once again cited as the most important candidate quality by about half of voters, on par with results in other states that have voted so far, but not all voters were solely focused on November. Late-deciders ? those who made up their minds whom to support in the last few days ? were more apt to say they were seeking a winner or a true conservative, while those who made up their minds earlier placed a bit less emphasis on being able to win or and slightly more on having strong moral character.
About a third of Mormons said they wanted a candidate with strong moral character, the highest figure among any religious group.
And among voters under age 45, just three in 10 said it was most important to find a winner, about as many cited character, and about a quarter said they wanted a true conservative.
THE IMPACT OF ADS: Campaign advertising had a narrower impact among Nevada caucus-goers than it did among Florida primary voters earlier this week. About twice as many Florida voters as Nevada caucus-goers called ads the most important factor in their vote.
The survey was conducted for AP and the television networks by Edison Research as voters arrived at 25 randomly selected caucus sites in Nevada. Preliminary results from the survey involved interviews with 1,553 caucus-goers and had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
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The question that needs to be asked about Madonna's "W.E." is why?
Not why would she set out to make a movie to satisfy her obsession with Wallis Simpson, a woman more famous and notorious in her day than Madonna is herself. But why would anyone, after reading the jumbled, rambling script Madonna co-wrote, turn her loose to direct such a mess of pretty pictures and hollow perceptions about the curse of celebrity and the price of true love?
It's easy to understand Madonna's fixation with Simpson, the American divorcee for whom Britain's King Edward VIII gave up the throne. Madonna clearly empathizes with this Material Girl of another generation over the microscopic, often malicious media attention both have endured.
But "W.E." amounts to a case of a big-headed superstar overreaching with empty-headed results. It's poorly conceived, awkwardly orchestrated, drearily paced and bizarrely assembled. The images have the sheen of a really grand music video or perfume commercial, and the movie has about as much insight.
To her credit, Madonna wanted to do something different than the standard period drama in her second time directing (her first was with the gritty London tale "Filth and Wisdom").
Yet her attempt to create a fictional modern woman whose story reflects and even intersects with Simpson's comes off like a bad creative-writing assignment, with Madonna hammering us over the head with dopey parallels between the two.
Madonna intercuts constantly, dizzyingly between Simpson (Andrea Riseborough) and Edward (James D'Arcy) in the 1930s and a namesake, Wally Winthrop (Abbie Cornish) in 1998.
The mousy, privileged trophy wife of a rich Manhattan jerk (Richard Coyle), Wally is absorbed, even possessed by the upcoming auction of Wallis and Edward's estate at Sotheby's, where she once worked.
While Cornish is forced to lumber lifelessly along like human driftwood, Riseborough and D'Arcy manage some genuine moments of affection and passion. Too bad they're stuck in a dispassionate story where they have to spend more time in glamorous posing than in acting.
"W.E." flits back and forth with seasick-making frequency as Wally delves deeper into Simpson's life to make sense of her own.
Just like Wallis, Wally's in an unhappy marriage. Just like Wallis, Wally has child-bearing issues. Just like Wallis, Wally suffers through domestic violence. And just like Wallis, Wally meets a man with whom real love just might be possible.
OK, Wally's new guy is a Russian security guard (Oscar Isaac) at Sotheby's, not the heir to a kingdom. But you get the point about the connection Wally feels with Wallis ? and just in case you don't, Madonna and co-writer Alek Keshishian go to absurd lengths to shove it in your face.
Wallis and Wally even cross into each other's time zones for some fantasy interactions that are weird at their mildest and laughable at their worst (our favorite, when Wallis turns to the gawking Wally and tells her to "get a life").
The anachronisms eventually become so pointless and dull that it's barely worth a titter when Wallis and her Benzedrine-buzzed party guests break into a bacchanal dance set to the Sex Pistols' "Pretty Vacant."
Then again, that song title sums up "W.E." pretty well, even better than the shallow pop tune Madonna co-wrote and sings over the end credits.
"W.E.," a Weinstein Co. release, is rated R for some domestic violence, nudity and language. Running time: 119 minutes. One and a half stars out of four.
Motion Picture Association of America rating definitions:
G ? General audiences. All ages admitted.
PG ? Parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.
PG-13 ? Special parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13. Some material may be inappropriate for young children.
R ? Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.
NC-17 ? No one under 17 admitted.
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After all communication is the ideal means probable to have the message through in case of any business or profession and this includes Mobile Marketing.
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Accredited to everything about marketing which has exposed to the people a number of options in delivering the desired messages across to each and every nook and corner of the globe, two of the most desired methods are the SMS marketing and also email marketing.
What is the necessity of updating communication?
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SMS Marketing
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As much as email marketing can be involved there is the guarantee to the fact that the desired mail continues to be sent across, you will find just as with the SMS marketing, options of mailing a multiple mails also cross checking whether or not the same happen to be properly sent or not with the least amount spent so being monetarily secure enough and simultaneously assuring an enhancement in the marketing and advertising or any other purpose for which the mails or the messages are actually sent.
No surprise that email marketing is desired by most of the entrepreneurs making it mandatory for the others to use the same to be able to keep posting the replies promptly and put orders in bulk or else as per the requirement of the consumers!!!
SMS Marketing is Reasonable
According to the Mobile Marketing Association, in 2008, 89% of businesses will use text as well as multimedia messaging to reach their audiences, along with nearly one-third planning to save money than 10% percent of their marketing budgets upon advertising in the text sms marketing medium. Text Mobile Cell Phone Marketing is a low cost way for small business to advertise. Business can use, opt in, text messaging services and coupons with their loyal customers. Local restaurants can text a message special to nearby lunch customers. The cost of text sms marketing is very low.As cell phones with video capability become more prevalent, expect more rich press cell phone marketing options. The future of direct advertising is already in your customer?s hand or wallet.
Tagged as: mobile marketing
Source: http://thebesttweets.com/social-media/sms-marketing-the-necessity-of-the-hour/
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So far, I?ve talked about a few methods concerning developing online business smart ideas. You need to explain to people everything you sell. Thus, it is necessary to learn the process of marketing your own personal business ideas. Within this very article I will discuss the actions you may execute to create online business marketing with regard to selling your product or service.
We?ll likewise pay more detailed focus at two varying solutions you can use for transforming into a triumphant online marketer. Try your very best to learn a lot more important things. If you want to raise your sales volume of your products you will definitely need a minimum amount of visits to your website every day. It is actually online promotion which may help you to a large degree to get your required number of visits every day. The purpose of this post is to talk about these issues.
It is very important to be certain that you?ve produced your site adequately. That does not mean that your particular site has to be elaborate however it must be user-friendly. Actually, it is a bit tough to discuss all essential concerns in this article. But, one common thing is you need to make sure that your particular site is appropriately marketed in the most famous search engines including Yahoo, Google and so on. If you can do it, I guarantee you that you could generate enormous traffic daily for your website. A large amount of books on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is offered in the marketplace. It is definitely a terrific resource to find necessary information. If you can successfully modernize the webpages from your website you?ll find some positive aspects which are very helpful to confirm maximum coverage.
Another excellent solution to increase traffic for your site will be Adwords. You will find some choices to bid of certain keywords. Whenever people search for keywords your own ads will be conveniently shown. You should carry the cost just for Pay per click campaign. It?s the simplest way to draw in the target market. You can easlily handle the promotion bills by bidding at this.
Another excellent way to get more traffic for websites will be ?Giveaways?. A large number of forums are built only for this purpose. ?Free? is a very snappy word. Whenever something is provided free of cost it certainly attracts people to view your website. You may offer free gifts for signing up for your newsletters. I bet, you can easily develop a massive responsive listing of potential clients within a short time.
When these approaches can assist you to some extent, all of my efforts will be successful. But bear in mind, there are several other approaches other than these which are very economical and popular so to manage the business successfully you actually don?t have to spend huge capital.
The author is a multifaceted article writer. She writes articles for a number of topics like marriage and relationship advices, seo service (seo guarantee and ppc campaign management), family and parenting concerns, fashion and beauty tips plus a lot more.
Source: http://ccrcorp.info/?p=13143
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* this is part 2 to the last post:? let?s be friends.? oh wait, we don?t know how to!
i wish learning new things were as easy as taking a class, watching a youtube instructional video, or reading the perfect how-to book that provides all of the answers.? for fixing kitchen sinks, it probably works.? for cultivating long lasting intimate friendships with others, not so much.
there?s no clear instructional manual for these kinds of relationships because they are complex.? at the same time, the Bible has solid guidance on how to better love each other.? colossians is one of my favorite books for that.? when my kids were little, we used to have the NIV kids club videos & cassette tapes (yes, my kids are getting old) that were all about ?singing the Bible and having fun.?? i can pretty much sing the whole chapter of colossians 3 to you if you ever want a laugh!?? when it comes to friendship, though, there are some excellent words in there.? the passage that comes to mind today is ?therefore, as God?s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience? (v. 3:12).
compassion.? kindness.? humility.? gentleness. patience.
these are important ingredients to sacred friendships. they help cultivate grace, love, and acceptance, which are what so many of us long for in our relationships.
here are some practical ways i think we can nurture these qualities in relationships with others and bravely enter into new friendships?men with men, women with women, men & women together.
be honest about our fears.? the more we can say out loud ?um, i don?t know how to do this very well?, the better.? it?s so much better than trying to pretend we?re good at something we?re not quite yet.? in our community, we have so many people learning how to be friends for the first time we talk a lot about it out loud and just call it for what it is.? honesty creates compassion because we can relate, we know the feeling, too.
lower our expectations. even though i love to dream big, i also believe in small baby steps of change rather than always expecting (and often demanding) giant leaps for ourselves & others, too.? if we don?t shift our expectations, we can? become mad all the time because things aren?t going the way we want them to be.? meaningful friendships take a long time to cultivate. they don?t come quick, especially in the midst of our brokenness & busy-ness.? this is why patience is such a necessary ingredient.
take responsibility for our own stuff. ?this is humility, a willingness to look at our own log instead of focusing on others? specks.? it requires soft hearts open to God?s spirit & getting honest about the patterns we might tend to bring into the friendship.? as we acknowledge it to ourselves & God first, we can then be honest about it with our friends??i am sorry that i?.when i get scared, i sometimes act that way.?? this helps us practice becoming safer people.
remember, everyone?s human, just like us.? it?s a magical, beautiful thing that somehow God can bring broken, jacked up people together in love & unity.? it really amazes me.? but at the same time, our messy human-ness is always going to be at play.? we will get hurt.? we will get annoyed.? we will get confused.? we will get uncomfortable.? the beauty is in respecting not only our humanness but others?, too.
don?t always do everything in groups.? groups are great.? community is awesome. but sometimes it?s really important to spend quality time together that doesn?t have all the wackiness of group dynamics.? i think we can hide behind it, too, always going to ?men?s groups? or ?women?s groups? but never just hanging out in a more intimate setting.? make time for it.? it?s always worth it. eye to eye, heart to heart makes all the difference over the long haul & helps us become more comfortable in our own skin in the relationship.
get some help when we need it.? this is one of the things i love most about our community.? we practice friendship and get help when we need it.? this looks like getting a few more people in the conversation to talk about how to do friendship better, what?s working, what?s not, how we can help honor each other more deeply, where we get stuck, and how to keep moving toward healthier connection.?? it?s what the body of Christ is supposed to be about, helping encourage and challenge one another!
check in.? every relationship is different, but i do think that regular check-ins can? be helpful in developing friendships.? how are we doing?? how are you feeling in relationship with each other? what?s working? what?s not?? in developing cross-gender friendships, it?s extra important.
adopt a philosophy of ?practice?.? one of my favorite phrases is ?we?re just practicing.?? we expect ourselves to have so many things in this world nailed down when the truth is we are just learning & trying & practicing as best we can.? to get better at something requires practice; it also means we will flub things up and blow it and need to get back on track.? this helps with conflict in relationship because we can be honest and say ?i?m practicing how to actually engage in a conflict with another person and not have it be devastating!? sometimes, too, we may practice with people who we end up not being able to be in long-term relationship with for all kinds of reasons.? that?s okay.? every time we make ourselves vulnerable and risk in relationship, we are practicing & learning & growing.? that?s what matters.
i am sure there are many others, but these are some off the top off my head. when i read back over these, i can really see compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience embedded in each of these practices.? yeah, without these, meaningful friendship just isn?t possible.
what are some others you would add??
God, help us become people who cultivate compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience into our friendships.?
Source: http://kathyescobar.com/2012/01/31/practicing-friendship/
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