Wednesday, June 13, 2012

MIT glove lets wearers move virtual objects

3 hrs.

A world of pinching and grabbing virtual objects in the air still seems more like "Minority Report" than reality, but MIT's Tether glove may help usher in such futuristic interfaces. Glove wearers can make gestures to create or move around 3-D objects in a shared virtual space viewed through handheld tablet screens.

That hands-on approach for a shared virtual workspace came out of MIT's Tangible Media Group. An MIT video shows how people can use either the motion-tracked glove or a multitouch tablet screen to draw spirals, create cubes and spheres, and work together to arrange virtual objects in patterns such as ascending or descending lines.

"The system allows input through capacitive touch on the display and a motion-tracked glove," according to the MIT website. "When placed behind the display, the user?s hand extends into the virtual world, enabling the user to interact with objects directly."

One video example shows a person drawing spirals on a tablet screen and moving the tablet backward to create a 3-D spiraling shape in the virtual workspace. That translates a familiar 2-D gesture on a common consumer device into 3-D results.

Another case shows how glove wearers can use pinching gestures between the thumb and various fingers to grab and move around virtual objects, or even stretch the corners of a virtual cube ? a wire frame box appears around the objects being highlighted. Quickly touching together two fingers can also make certain objects appear or disappear.

MIT's system allows people to work together on the same virtual space while standing side by side, but it can also supposedly work with remote human partners. Still, the concept is more of an impressive tech demo than a gadget ready to hit the market anytime soon ? it relies upon five Vicon cameras to track the glove and head motions of human users.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Neutrinos sent from CERN to Gran Sasso respect the cosmic speed limit, experiments confirm

ScienceDaily (June 8, 2012) ? At the 25th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics in Kyoto today (June 8, 2012), CERN Research Director Sergio Bertolucci presented results on the time of flight of neutrinos from CERN to the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory on behalf of four experiments situated at Gran Sasso. The four, Borexino, ICARUS, LVD and OPERA all measure a neutrino time of flight consistent with the speed of light.

This is at odds with a measurement that the OPERA collaboration put up for scrutiny last September, indicating that the original OPERA measurement can be attributed to a faulty element of the experiment?s fibre optic timing system.

?Although this result isn?t as exciting as some would have liked,? said Bertolucci, ?it is what we all expected deep down. The story captured the public imagination, and has given people the opportunity to see the scientific method in action ? an unexpected result was put up for scrutiny, thoroughly investigated and resolved in part thanks to collaboration between normally competing experiments. That?s how science moves forward.?

In another development reported in Kyoto, the OPERA experiment showed evidence for the appearance of a second tau-neutrino in the CERN muon-neutrino beam, this is an important step towards understanding the science of neutrino oscillations.


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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

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About those "We can get you to page 1 of google emails"! | SEO ...

So I am astounded that those ?Get You To Page 1 of Google? emails still work! In today?s search engines, there is only one constant, nothing is the same for each user and having a SEO (search engine optimization) company make that claim and get my peeps all worked up makes me crazy!

Getting on page 1 of google for what?

Let?s start with the keywords. When you hire a company to ?get you to page 1 of google?, they are going to have you pick some keywords that you want to rank for. I can tell you, most business owners do not know what a good thing to rank for is! Consider Realtors, mostly they want to rank for their town and the search term ?realtor?. So let?s break that one down?

Most people looking for a realtor who are going onto the internet search for the term realtors (with an ?S? at the end), just like you wouldn?t look up St. Pete Plumber, you would look up St. Pete plumbers. So right off the bat, you could get to page 1, but for a term that doesn?t matter much.

Also there is a difference between the term Denver Real Estate and ?Denver Real Estate?. In one I put the quotes around the whole phrase, meaning that the words have to be in that exact order. Without the quotes, they can be in any order and don?t necessarily have to contain all the words. Search results for Denver Real Estate are 163,000,000 and for ?Denver Real Estate? are 5,450,000. If I was a snarky SEO company I could tell my customers that I had gotten them on page 1 for something both obscure (with not so many searches) AND have the quotes to make it easier to accomplish, with my client never the wiser.

Page 1 is a mess!

The Google Experiment - Getting To Page 1 of GoogleOkay, so what I was just talking about was straight ranking. Now let?s talk a little bit about other factors that effect what gets shown to YOU by google when you search.

It matters where you are because google knows the IP address that you are searching from! So if you search for hot dog stands, you do not get the ones in New York City, you get the ones closest to where you are, maybe some news about hot dogs stands and possibly some hot dog stand pictures.

It matters who you are because google follows you around the internet, figuring out what you like the most. Do you like videos, you will see more video results. Do you have friends on Google+ who have liked something, maybe you will too! If you are logged into google, you are effecting the search results you get.

The Google Experiment

So today I took a couple of hours to go over what results look like from all different browsers and all different types of people. Here is the breakdown of what I looked at:

  • Tara Jacobsen ? I logged into google with my login
  • Realtor ? I used another computer and logged in with a Realtor client?s google account
  • Proxify ? This is a service that allows you to access the google from a generally blank slate
  • Retail Company ? This company does sales and marketing but with big box stores, not my little moms and pops
  • iPad ? On my iPad I logged out of google and did the searches (this seemed to be a little tainted I think because I got similar results to what I got on my real computer logged is as me)

So we have different people searching on different browsers (nothing I can do about my IP address so I am sure that affected the results too!)

What I found when searching for term Entrepreneur Marketing (no quotes) was there WAS some consistency in the top places, but after that, there were some REALLY big differences in what google returned as results. Here are my big take-aways.

  • None of the searches had any videos for this search term (the video link was to a page with a video, not the cute embedded videos on the search pages).
  • Proxify (who didn?t have any relation to anything else) showed indented listings (the ones under the main listing) for both my site and They also did not get nearly as many listings as the other searches did.
  • I was surprised to get news results as I generally do not see those in my searches. I am not a newsy kind of gal!
  • The realtor had really weird results compared to everyone else! She had A LOT of friend connections in her results as she is pretty well connected online. She had links from three different friends on this search.
  • I thought it was REALLY interesting that I logged out of google on my iPad and got VERY similar results to logged in my big computer.
  • If a SEO company told you they could rank you for entrepreneur marketing, they would have a hard climb. Both and (my site) have spent YEARS working on SEO to rank for these terms and would not be easy to knock off!

So, there you have it! A little bit about why those emails about getting you to page 1 of google are, at best, disingenuous and, at worst, total crap!


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Related posts:

  1. New Google Search Features and What They Mean
  2. Do URL Keywords REALLY Matter Much To Google?
  3. Taking Advantage Of Trends On Google
  4. How To Write A Blog Post That Will Rank In Google
  5. How To Leverage Google ? Do More of What Is Working!

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Suicides surging among America's troops

Nearly 1 active-duty serviceman per day killed self in 2012


June 08, 2012

WASHINGTON ? Suicides are surging among America's troops, averaging nearly one a day this year ? the fastest pace in the nation's decade of war.

The 154 suicides for active-duty troops in the first 155 days of the year far outdistance the U.S. forces killed in action in Afghanistan ? about 50 percent more ? according to Pentagon statistics obtained by The Associated Press.

The numbers reflect a military burdened with wartime demands from Iraq and Afghanistan that have taken a greater toll than foreseen a decade ago. The military also is struggling with increased sexual assaults, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and other misbehavior.

Because suicides had leveled off in 2010 and 2011, this year's upswing has caught some officials by surprise.

The reasons for the increase are not fully understood. Among explanations, studies have pointed to combat exposure, post-traumatic stress, misuse of prescription medications and personal financial problems. Army data suggest soldiers with multiple combat tours are at greater risk of committing suicide, although a substantial proportion of Army suicides are committed by soldiers who never deployed.

Worse as war winds down

The unpopular war in Afghanistan is winding down with the last combat troops scheduled to leave at the end of 2014. But this year has seen record numbers of soldiers being killed by Afghan troops, and there also have been several scandals involving U.S. troop misconduct.

The 2012 active-duty suicide total of 154 through June 3 compares to 130 in the same period last year, an 18 percent increase. And it's more than the 136.2 suicides that the Pentagon had projected for this period based on the trend from 2001-2011. This year's January-May total is up 25 percent from two years ago, and it is 16 percent ahead of the pace for 2009, which ended with the highest yearly total thus far.

Suicide totals have exceeded U.S. combat deaths in Afghanistan in earlier periods, including for the full years 2008 and 2009.

The suicide pattern varies over the course of a year, but in each of the past five years the trend through May was a reliable predictor for the full year, according to a chart based on figures provided by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner.

The numbers are rising among the 1.4 million active-duty military personnel despite years of effort to encourage troops to seek help with mental health problems. Many in the military believe that going for help is seen as a sign of weakness and thus a potential threat to advancement.

Kim Ruocco, widow of Marine Maj. John Ruocco, a helicopter pilot who hanged himself in 2005 between Iraq deployments, said he was unable to bring himself to go for help.

"He was so afraid of how people would view him once he went for help," she said in an interview at her home in suburban Boston. "He thought that people would think he was weak, that people would think he was just trying to get out of redeploying or trying to get out of service, or that he just couldn't hack it ? when, in reality, he was sick. He had suffered injury in combat, and he had also suffered from depression and let it go untreated for years. And because of that, he's dead today."

'Act like an adult'

Jackie Garrick, head of a newly established Defense Suicide Prevention Office at the Pentagon, said in an interview Thursday that the suicide numbers this year are troubling.

"We are very concerned at this point that we are seeing a high number of suicides at a point in time where we were expecting to see a lower number of suicides," she said, adding that the weak U.S. economy may be confounding preventive efforts even as the pace of military deployments eases.

Garrick said experts are still struggling to understand suicidal behavior.

"What makes one person become suicidal and another not is truly an unknown," she said.

Dr. Stephen N. Xenakis, a retired Army brigadier general and a practicing psychiatrist, said the suicides reflect the level of tension as the U.S. eases out of Afghanistan though violence continues.

"It's a sign in general of the stress the Army has been under over the 10 years of war," he said in an interview. "We've seen before that these signs show up even more dramatically when the fighting seems to go down and the Army is returning to garrison."

But Xenakis said he worries that many senior military officers do not grasp the nature of the suicide problem.

A glaring example of that became public when a senior Army general recently told soldiers considering suicide to "act like an adult."

Maj. Gen. Dana Pittard, commander of the 1st Armored Division, last month retracted ? but did not apologize for ? a statement in his Army blog in January.

He had written, "I have now come to the conclusion that suicide is an absolutely selfish act." He also wrote, "I am personally fed up with soldiers who are choosing to take their own lives so that others can clean up their mess. Be an adult, act like an adult, and deal with your real-life problems like the rest of us." He did also counsel soldiers to seek help.

His remarks drew a public rebuke from the Army, which has the highest number of suicides and called his assertions "clearly wrong." Last week the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, said he disagrees with Pittard "in the strongest possible terms."

Charging in

The military services have set up confidential telephone hotlines, placed more mental health specialists on the battlefield, added training in stress management, invested more in research on mental health risk and taken other measures.

The Marines established a counseling service dubbed "DStress line," a toll-free number that troubled Marines can call anonymously. They also can use a Marine website to chat online anonymously with a counselor.

In a report published in January the Army said the true impact of its prevention programs is unknown.

"What is known is that all Army populations ... are under increased stress after a decade of war," it said, adding that if not for prevention efforts the Army's suicide totals might have been as much as four times as high.

The suicide numbers began surging in 2006. They soared in 2009 and then leveled off before climbing again this year. The statistics include only active-duty troops, not veterans who returned to civilian life after fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The renewed surge in suicides has caught the attention of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. Last month he sent an internal memo to the Pentagon's top civilian and military leaders in which he called suicide "one of the most complex and urgent problems" facing the Defense Department, according to a copy provided to the AP.

Panetta touched on one of the most sensitive aspects of the problem: the stigma associated seeking help for mental distress. This is particularly acute in the military.

"We must continue to fight to eliminate the stigma from those with post-traumatic stress and other mental health issues," Panetta wrote, adding that commanders "cannot tolerate any actions that belittle, haze, humiliate or ostracize any individual, especially those who require or are responsibly seeking professional services."

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Transform Your Staff By Using Sales Training Seminars | Online ...


Marketing takes on an integral & vital function when it?s about promotion of any kind of company, as you need to continuously market your business to contend with the ever growing society. It?s vital to conduct a smart marketing plan, as a company needs serious participation with the marketing department, and that means you have to stick with long lasting and true plans to perform the method of selling. Many firms will have their own inhouse marketing departments, that will control all aspects of the brand and it is recognition, delivering long-term results and ROI.

So when there is good marketing, an excellent sales force must be behind them and be sure that any lead will become sales. The marketing staff must ensure that they follow-through the ethos and knowledge of the business, if they encourage a new outlook as to what will be promoted, customers won?t come back to that business.

In business there are occasions when sales may be decreased, this can be because of several factors; the time of year, like after Christmas and many people do not have the funds, it would also be down to how the sales staff are inspired and encouraged in their job to do considerably better. The motivational sales speaker has really become integral in this method since they help to boost the attempts of the marketing and sales force to market the company to the highest possibilities.

They could come in and consult with the sales team, give them the commitment to stay and make more out of their work. They could re-enforce the ethos of the firm and get the group thinking of new solutions to enhance those sales again. This also enables the workers to understand that they are a vital part of the corporation. In some cases the team can even be taken away for a sales course, in which not only do they have the motivational talk, yet they may also be able to have a great time for a few days.

Sales training seminars:
A fantastic company carries a more substantial focus on sales promotion, as well as their division of marketing holds frequent sales training seminars, as these seminars assist transferring a newbie to professional or marketing professional. There are a lot of benefits of seminars, particularly when it?s about marketing, since marketing becomes a necessary section of any company, and you can?t carry out a true business, if you aren?t well aware about marketing strategies of any company.

Not only are these classes ideal for active staff, but they even help with a fresh team that could be coming in for a specific project. This is a good way for all members of the group to meet and get to know one another. They are all recommended together as to what the organization would like to do, how they wish this to be performed, timescales and the things they expect from every employee.

Incorporating a sales training seminar with a expert motivational speaker, is a great scenario, and you will find so many to select from, located all over the internet.

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Watch the Space Shuttle Enterprise Float Merrily Up the Hudson River [Video]

Today, Space Shuttle Enterprise is making its way up the Hudson River towards the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. If you're on the west side of Manhattan, you might have caught a glimpse, otherwise you can see a snippet of the journey, which was rather fantastic, in the above video. More »

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