Thursday, November 15, 2012

Home Brewing Beer Recipes

Home Brewing Beer Recipes

Well I've decided to take on an endeavor I have been wanting to do for a long time. I'm not sure what will come of it but I'm going to try it anyways. I don't have any experience doing it or even if I can. The research I've done says I can do it. My wife just rolls her eyes when I said it. My son just says, well he's 16, nothing except "yup". I'm gonna make some beer. Yes good ole beer.

Actually I've been wanting to do this since I was a young child. This fascination started with my Dad. He use to do it. I remember going into the pantry and seeing some kind of tub with some hoses on it. I asked him what's that Dad. He said it's to make beer. Now I had seen beer in bottles and in cans but never in a tub. I asked him how does it get into a bottle? He said it doesn't he'll just put his glass in it and take some out. Being young and not knowing any better I thought ok. He did mention to never touch it or I would get into trouble. I never did.

A few weeks later I saw my Dad drinking a beer from a glass. I asked him if that was the beer he was making. He said it was. I asked him if it was good. He said it tasted like sh*t but gave him the effect he wanted. I didn't understand what he meant but remember saying to myself why would someone drink something that tasted bad. Well in my later years I understood and now it'll actually make me laugh to myself.

So fast forward to present day. I decided to make my beer. I started looking online and doing my research (thank goodness for the internet). My Dad probably would of benefited from it but "back in the olden days" as my kids say, there was no such thing. I don't think he much would of cared about the taste anyways he just wanted the effect. Now the "effect" is not a bad thing but for me it is all about the taste.

I walked into the store thinking ok what do I need. Even though I had been drinking beer my whole life I still felt a bit of intimidation going in. The clerk was very knowledgable and I didn't want to him to think I didn't know what I was doing so I tried to "walk the walk and talk the talk". Come to find out I really didn't know much. When I left I thought I need to do a lot more researching. I thought I was a failure but I then remembered being that little boy and seeing my Dad and it brought a smile to my face.

So back to the drawing board.....


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